审核被拒:Provide the steps for locating the App Tracking Transparency
in App Store Connect with 0 comment

审核被拒:Provide the steps for locating the App Tracking Transparency

in App Store Connect with 0 comment

如果你收到 App Tracking Transparency 相关的审核信息,下面的方法可以帮助到你。



To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide detailed information to the following questions. The more information you can provide upfront, the sooner we can complete your review.

- Could you please provide the steps for locating the App Tracking Transparency, app feature?

Once you reply to this message in Resolution Center with the requested information, we can proceed with your review.

意思是我们发现审核的 APP 里面包含 App Tracking Transparency 相关信息,请你提供操作步骤以让我们审核其相关功能。

通过苹果官方文档,我们可以发现要实现 App Tracking Transparency 功能,需要实现下列三个步骤。

To use the AppTrackingTransparency framework:

  1. Set up a NSUserTrackingUsageDescription to display a system-permission alert request for your app installed on end-user devices.
  2. Call requestTrackingAuthorizationWithCompletionHandler: to present the app-tracking authorization request to the end user.
  3. Use trackingAuthorizationStatus to determine the app-tracking permission status. See ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatus for status enums.


根据以上步骤检查,发现是项目 Info.plist 中包含 NSUserTrackingUsageDescription 的描述:

<string>We need to use your ad tracking permission to track ads</string>

上面配置是作为兼容 iOS14 针对 IDFA 授权弹框的请求信息。

但是在 2020年9月3日 苹果在新闻《现已提供关于 app 隐私问题的详细信息》中已经表示 IDFA 授权推迟到明年初。而我们只删除了相关代码,并没有删除 Info.plist 里面的 NSUserTrackingUsageDescription 描述。


通过跟苹果反馈我们并没有在项目里面包含任何 App Tracking Transparency 相关代码,仅仅只是忘记删除描述信息。第二天就继续进入审核状态并且顺利过审(^▽^)!
